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Tranquil Sea
Catching a Wave

Coach Surf

Where on that wave
do you wanna be during your coaching session?

We help you find your perfect coaching style BEFORE you look for a coach/consultant/counselor/therapist. ​

Coachsurf makes use of the metaphor that receiving coaching is like surfing on a wave. No matter if you call it consulting, counseling, or therapy, we all aim to find that sweet spot where we allow a ride on the wave of our emotions. 


Coach Surf

Please pick your favorite picture:

Find out your personal type
First question

Thanks for sharing! We always strive to improve.

Water Ripple

Coach Surf

Please pick your favorite picture:

Water Sport

Coach Surf

Please pick your favorite picture:


Coach Surf

Please pick your favorite picture:

Under Water

Coach Surf

Please pick your favorite picture:


Coach Surf

Please pick your favorite picture:

Coach Surf

Where on this map have you landed?

Aerial View of Yacht

Coach Surf

Pick the best matching shape below:

Shape Background Scenario  me.png

A bit of everything

The Diverse/Undecisive

You like a coaching style that incorporates several elements. Both connections to the other(s) as well as the individual exercise are important to you. You like to start carefully but cann go all-in if the conditions are perfect.

Shape Background Scenario  Action.png

Pure action

The Adventurous/Doer

to be described

Shape Background Scenario the planner.png

Goal-dirven connection

The Structured/Social Leaner

to be described

Shape Background injured.png

Warmth & independence

The Injured/Brave

to be described

Shape Background steady.png

The Careful/Steady

to be described

Shape Background rose.png

The Feminine/Powerful

to be described

Shape Background engineer.png

The Excited/Engineer

to be described

Shape Background Vibinpng.png

Vibe & Style

The Hippster/Stylish

to be described

Shape Background gezellig.png

We are family

The Teamplayer/Romantic

to be described

Shape Background lonesome.png

The Lonesome/Performer

to be described

Shape Background blackbelt.png

The Wise/Strong

to be described

Shape Background butterfly.png

The Queer/Butterfly

to be described

Holiday Destination
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Very dissatisfiedA bit dissatisfiedPretty satisfiedSatisfiedVery satisfied

Thanks for sharing! We always strive to improve.

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